People Using Forty Below Gear
Here are some of the incredible people, fascinating expeditions,
and events that use Forty Below® products, from around the world!
Please also take a look at our Photo Gallery page to see even more pictures and stories
about Forty Below® products in use: Forty Below Photo Gallery page
Nepali climber to make unique attempt on Everest in 2024:
Kiran Khadka from Nepal
with a unique summit attempt on Everest in 2024:
He is using our Forty Below® Bottle Boots™ and our Forty Below® Camp Booties™.
Kiran is from the Surkhet district which is in Karnali Province in Nepa, and currently lives in Colorado. If he summits, he will be the first person from Karnali to ever summit Everest! Karnali province is the most remote, undeveloped, and underprivileged province in Nepal. Tourism is the main source of revenue for Nepal. Beside Dolpa district, no other districts in the Karnali province are able to attract enough tourists as these are remote places with no tourism infrastructure, but do have pure natural beauty and landscapes worthy of tourism. …“In the last few years, this thought of representing the community in some way and representing the region where I am originally from has been brewing in my mind. I thought the best way would be to achieve something in Nepal representing Karnali province that aligns with my passion which is mountaineering. If I can achieve these goals, I think it would provide a sense of pride for the region and its people.”
Here are some links to find out more about Kiran and the expedition, and ways to support this incredible cause and climb!
GoFund Me page Link:
We help sponsor this race! The Arrowhead Ultra 135 is held every January for fat tire mountain bike, cross country ski and running. Check out the website: Participants have been using a few different models of our Overboots, Bottle Boots, Zone Vapor Barrier Vest, the synthetic fabric logo bandana, and 40 Below thermometer in this incredible event!
Here is a list of some popular winter races, these are fat-tire bike, run, cross country ski types of races:
From the Forty Below History Archives: Mr. Hamilton Lokey

From our History Archives: Pictured above is Mr. Hamilton Lokey, father of Bill Lokey (founder of Forty Below, Ltd) standing at the North Pole on April 16, 1984. Notice the Forty Below Mt. Everest model overboots he is wearing. He had been to the South Pole in 1964 as a guest of the Navy’s Operation Deep Freeze. It was calculated that he was the 8th person to stand on both poles. He went to the N. Pole with Skip Voorhees of Medina, WA who was running tours there. They flew on a ski equipped Twin Otter from Tanqueray on the N tip of Ellesmere Island.
Canadian Adventurer Laval St. Germain goes to Antarctica in 2019:
Laval skied solo to the South Pole and then ski descent of Mt. Vinson! He will be using the Forty Below Fresh Tracks overboots.
Check out his Facebook page for details and updates:
SHARE THE VIEW: Denali 2015
Father and son team Joe and Joey Szalkiewicz on their journey to climb the 7 Summits for an incredible personal and charitable cause! Check out the 7 part web series here:
Subpolar 90º project NORTH POLE
A project supported by the Royal Geographical Society Spanish
In the 21st century, the conquest of the poles remains a challenge, not only physical, but mental too. This fact has led us to promote the world´s first expedition with these characteristics to the North Pole. For 2 months, the expedition will travel over 200 km on the Arctic ice cap. This is the first time in history that an expedition made up of a team, among which are disabled people, tries to reach the North Pole on its own and without outside help, exploring the unknown North Pole seabed. However, our project is much more than a sporting and social challenge. We will conduct scientific experiments in the field, backed by some of the most prestigious Spanish scientist in the field of polar research. Moreover we will develop educational activities for students throughout the country. PACO ACEDO Expedition leader / Project Manager From Cordoba (Spain), 37 years old. Professional diver, underwater photographer, specializes in ice-diving and underwater exploration, Arctic and Antarctic. Paco has led the first “Underwater World Tour” for the past two years and the submarine expedition “Witness Meltdown”, during which he conducted an environmental study and the recording of a documentary on the melting and its impact on the last inhabitants of the Arctic. During the expedition: Will be responsible for directing and coordinating underwater explorations, to plan the progression on the ice, the maintenance of diving equipment, filming on the surface and underwater photography. They will be using the Forty Below Fresh Tracks overboots.
Shackleton Trans-Antarctic Centenary Expedition 2015 SOUTH POLE
On 27th Oct 1915 Shackleton’s ship the Endurance, trapped in sea ice for 9 months, was finally crushed and abandoned, ending the expedition’s hopes and sparking the greatest survival story of all time. Exactly 100 years on, Stew Edge and Devon McDiarmid,a British and Canadian team, will commemorate Shackleton’s attempt to cross Antarctica, reviving the spirit of the Endurance and complete a crossing from the Weddell Coast to the South Pole and back again. The expedition will see sledges pulled 1,300 miles over 60 days in the world’s most extreme conditions. The team can expect temperatures of -40°C and winds of 100 mph, crossing dangerous crevasse fields and mountain ranges. It will be one of the of the longest journeys ever attempted on foot and be an epic undertaking. The team will be skiing to the Pole hoping to average 16 Miles a day for 40 days. On the return leg to the Coast the team plan to use kites to speed up their travel, in place of Husky dogs used 100 years ago. They expect to take up to 20 days to kite back from the Pole covering 40 miles a day. They will be using the Forty Below Fresh Tracks overboots and testing the 40 Below PoleMitts on the expedition! Check out their Blog at this address:
The Salomon Freeski TV team, led by Director and Producer Anthony Bonello is heading to the Arctic in Svalbard Norway this spring for an upcoming episode! They will be using the Forty Below Fresh Tracks overboots . ” We will all be using the new Salomon Lightweight touring boot We will be on a mix of dynafit/tech and guardian bindings. The project is part of the Freeski TV series, however, we will be singling out 3 episodes that get greater promotion next Fall. This Svalbard trip is one of the 3. On March 20th there is a total solar eclipse that will only be visible from Svalbard. Our plan is to document the eclipse along with the adventure and ski experience. We will be base camping on a glacier and ski touring from there. And it is going to be cold.”
Check out their YouTube Channel to see the incredible shows airing now:
The More Than Just Mountains project is allowing three dudes to climb the Seven Summits around the world to raise $1,000,000 and awareness for those who suffer from a genetic rare lung disease known as Cystic Fibrosis. This past year was the first year in history that we had more CFers (people with Cystic Fibrosis) over the age of 18 than under. CFers handle a daily regimen of pills, breathing treatments, and vests that help break up the mucus in their lungs. Even with never missing a pill, treatment, or vest shakings they will still die from Cystic Fibrosis and right now we the median age is 41 years old…..Thanks to companies like you we are able to continue these adventure and drive us closer to a cure for Cystic Fibrosis so one day we can talk about it like it was a disease of the past. Be a part of our adventure and strive to be bigger than yourself as you live your life. Check out their website at UPDATE FROM THE CLIMB: “I wanted to send you the Denali video and thank you again for helping us out. We summitted in 10 days and had the warmest feet of our lives. A special call out to the camp booties as well. They were on all the time.” Mark Nolan See this video they produced after the climb:
Strong Ski composition of Podkarpacie or I (Olek Ostrowski) and Peter Śnigórski move June 17 to Pakistan on the first Polish ski expedition in Karakorum. Our goal is alpine skiing with Gasherbrum II – 8035 m above sea level After spending two days in Islamabad and arranging the last expedition formalities we move the Karakoram Highway towards our goal. June 24 from the village of Askole begin the week of trekking along the Baltoro glacier with breathtaking views of the absolute classics climbing and places acting on my imagination ever since I got into the mountains high: Trango Tower, Masherbrumy, the Mustang Tower, the biggest “crossroads of the world” Concordia Finally Gora Mountains – K2. To the base of the Gasherbrum II at an altitude of approx. 5300 m above sea level Glacier Abruzzi arrive on 30 June. Throughout July for the activities of the mountain on the way normal: acclimatization, the assumption consecutive camps, attempt to summit and downhill path of approach from the summit on skis. We assume the first camp at an altitude of 5900 m above sea level, the second – 6500 m above sea level, and 3 – 7100 m above sea level All the action will take place mountain without the support of high-altitude guides and supplemental oxygen. Back to Polish planning on 10 August. Thank you all good people and companies who supported our project! Keep your fingers crossed for the weather, our form and kindness of the Gods Mountains! They will be using the Forty Below Fresh Tracks overboots. CHECK OUT THEIR WEBSITE AT:
2014 Mt. Rainier Summit Lakes and Caves Exploration:
Check out this link to the Seattle Times article about Bill Lokey, Founder of Forty Below, who revisits the summit of Mt. Rainier with a team of scientists to take a look 43 years after Bill first explored and recorded these unique landforms on the summit of 14,410 ft Mt. Rainier:
Follow this very special group of relatives of the First Ascent of Denali back in 1913. Our centennial climb will be heading up the Muldrow this summer for the 100th Anniversary of the that first ascent. There is a film being made, we will be live in classrooms in Alaska. Check out their website
John Huston New Land 2013 Ellesmere Island Expedition NEW LAND 2013 EXPEDITION WILL DOCUMENT ELLESMERE ISLAND In March 2013, American John Huston and Norwegian Toby Thorleifsson did the “New Land 2013 Ellesmere Island Expedition”, a 72-day journey across 630 miles of one of the last untouched wildernesses on Earth, the Canadian Arctic. With sled dogs and on skis, the four-man party they retraced historic expedition routes of Norwegian Otto Sverdrup (1854-1930), who led a team of 17 men between 1898 and 1902 in discovering and mapping more than 150,000 square kilometers of Ellesmere Island, the northernmost landmass of North America. They used the Forty Below Fresh Tracks overboots. Check out the website:
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![]() Christine Coyne aka/Cheetah Girl |
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Check out their website at: Follow them on Facebook:!/ExpeditionOutreach
Between the Peaks The BETWEEN THE PEAKS concept was born when 3 enthusiastic friends decided to embark on a life-changing journey after graduating from college. The expedition began in Argentina with Mt. Aconcagua (22,841 ft), and will eventually conclude with reaching the summit of Denali (20,320 ft) in Alaska – two of the world’s 7 summits. Although personally rewarding for the guys, and full of excitement, the mountains will not be the highlight of this trip. The real adventure is what you will see unfold Between The Peaks…This project is the story of finding your way. It is the culmination of years of hard work, many thousands of miles, dozens of freezing showers and nights spent in the dirt. Along the way, the guys made week long stops in each passing country in order to volunteer their efforts in aiding communities in need, participating in environmental conservation projects, and simply becoming involved with organizations taking action toward making the world a better place while positively impacting lives on a personal level. BETWEEN THE PEAKS will demonstrate how to see the world outside of self. It’s a lesson on how to have adventure with an impact. On how to make a difference in others lives as well as your own. And how to have a blast in the process. We have hours upon hours of footage from our journey, with more to add in the eventual conquest of Denali, and post-production has begun. The Between The Peaks movie is set to release in 2014. UPDATE 2015: CONGRATULATIONS! WINNER OF THE BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM FOR 2015 MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL!! WAY TO GO!! See the movie here: Find out more about the Mountain Film Festival:
Pictured is Lonnie Dupre wearing 40 Below overboots and camp booties on Denali on the One World Endeavors 2011: “The (Purple Haze) overboots and camp booties worked out fantastic …Here is a picture of me laying in my snow trench at 17,200 purple haze on my feet waiting for a window in the weather to summit.” Best, Lonnie Dupre (USA)
Cops on Top
Cops on Top has a strong commitment to provide tangible aid for the grieving and healing process of those who have lost a beloved officer, to support organizations dedicated to this cause, and to project a positive image of law enforcement officers. We honor, and raise awareness, for police officers who have been killed while protecting and serving their communities. Cops on Top plans annual climbing expeditions to the world’s most respected mountains. The purpose is to bring to the public’s attention the dangers, stress and life-altering effects on the average police officer. A fallen officer’s memory serves as our banner and a memorial is placed on each summit attempted. The Cops on Top team is comprised of volunteer climbers, largely self-funded law enforcement officers. Volunteers are welcome to contact Cops on Top. The fallen officers on whose behalf the climbs are undertaken are nominated by family, friends, and law enforcement organizations.
Here is a link to a picture of your overboots on the summit of Aconcagua on January 25, 2012 for the Cops on Top Officer Jonathan Schmidt Aconcagua Memorial Expedition.!/photo.php?fbid=10150581460579330set=a.10150466400394330.382870.336565374329&type=3&theater
Expedition Leader Troy Bacon (pictured on the left) is wearing your product! They were great!!!
Cops on Top Denali 2010 Expedition:
The Cops on Top 2010 Denali memorial expedition was conducted in honor of Trooper Michael Haynes of the Montana Highway Patrol who was tragically killed by a drunk driver. The photos contained in the gallery document the teams successful summit on May 21, 2010. Here is a link to the trip report: Visit their website:
A two man team circumnavigated Ellesmere Island on skis and kayaks, using the Forty Below Light Energy overboots over the top of a kayaking boot, so that they can take them off and then switch to the kayak mode from the snow travel mode. See this website:
Ever want to ski in the Middle east? The tallest peak in the Middle East is Mt. Damavand is 5,671 meters tall, and home of “Middle East Powder”. The Forty Below Fresh Tracks overboots were used on a trip by some British skiers in 2011. Check out John Roberts in his blog: for a really fascinating account!
SEAN BUSBY Professional Snowboarder:
Sean uses our overboots over his snowboarding boots, and our Forty Below ® Bottle Boots™ for his water bottles and insulin kit.
Sean Busby is a professional snowboarder with type 1 diabetes who travels the world competing and exploring remote corners of the globe on snowboarding expeditions. In 2004, while training for the 2010 Olympics, Sean endured a complicated diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Considering leaving snowboarding all together, Sean was inspired by reading stories he found through JDRF, from an event called Children’s Congress. It was the stories of 5 to 13-year-olds that inspired him to keep living his dreams despite living with this disease. He founded Riding On Insulin—which is now a nonprofit organization. Today, Sean and his wife, Mollie, run Riding On Insulin all around the world, hosting ski and snowboard camps for kids living with diabetes. Sean also continues his expeditions through his mountain guiding business, Powder Lines. Check out these links to see what he and Molly are up to: For Sean and Molly: For Riding On Insulin:
Kit DesLaurier
Congratulations to Kit DesLauriers of Jackson Hole, WY as the first person to ski all seven summits!
See her website for more details: Used Forty Below overboots!
Fredrick Strang
Fredrik Strang of Sweden set a Guiness Record on shortest time to climb all seven summits!
See his website for more details: He used our K2 Superlight overboots.
Martin Letzter and Olaf Sundstrom of Sweden ski the North face of Everest, and recently climb and ski all seven summits in a unique style! Check out their site for more details: The team use Forty Below Camp Booties, Bottle Boots, and overboots .
Kyle used our camp booties on his attempt to set a new World Record for Longest Solo Kayak Journey by paddling the entire length of the Missouri – Mississippi River the fourth longest river system in the world. He will complete his expedition with an additional 200 mile paddle along the coast to Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Additionally, Kyle has partnered with Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation to survey the largest watershed in the United States for microplastics contamination from its headwaters to the ocean. This will be the first documented freshwater survey of this scale.
Please check out his website at Kyle is used our 40 Below synthetic insulated Camp Booties!
Please also see our Forty Below website Photo Gallery to see
many more interesting people and places Forty Below® gear in use!
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